Empowering Higher education Institutions with Cognitive Research for Entrepreneurship and skill development Education establishing Research chair for cognitive Research in Universities and Colleges are the first Mission.
Thereafter interlinking Universities globally developing and empowering Academies and Industries as its two wings for the industrious development of the people of the locality of the university or the institute provisioning technology exchange and expertise are the highlight of the Mission
1. Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF in cognitive Management Science (One year for Developing Guides. Each Guide can have 8 to 10 Doctoral Researchers under him
2. Doctoral Fellowship (Three year) Each Doctoral Fellow can Mentor 10 to 20 Post Graduates developing projects
3. Post-Graduate Fellowship in Cognitive Entrepreneurship for one year
4. Fellowship for Socially Distinguished One year Contact programs for social Mentors
5. Award of Honorary Fellowship It is only a provision to award Honorary Fellowship for outstanding performers as and when need is felt.